Marjorie Desmond Estate Planning

Healthcare decisions are important

Make future healthcare decisions for yourself
  • Name a healthcare agent
  • Specify your organ donation preference
  • Make choices about CPR, ventilator use, artificial nutrition, and more
  • Determine your end-of-life care
  • Individuals 18+ years old can use this document

By clicking the link below, you will be redirected to the Arizona Health Care Life Planning Packet provided by the Arizona Attorney General. You also acknowledge that by doing so, there is no contractual or attorney-client relationship between us for Desmond Law, PLLC, or any of its associates to provide any further services.

Marjorie Desmond is an Arizona and California licensed estate planning attorney in Scottsdale.  Marjorie serves clients throughout Arizona and California. Marjorie meets with clients in-person or virtually and is committed to protecting the people you love and everything you care about.

For more information about Arizona Life Care Planning, go to the Arizona Attorney General's website here.

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